I’m joined by drummer Paul Claro. Paul is one half of the band Cinema Cinema. He is also related to the other half of Cinema Cinema, guitarist and noisemaker, Ev Gold. Together they form one of the most avant garde bands recording today. Paul tells me all about wanting to be in a band with Ev ever since he was a little kid. 

Paul got a feel for being a musician early. In high school, his jazz band played in a lot of competitions and even toured Japan! That’s about the same time he went from being the music nerd in his school to the cool drummer who was in three different bands. 

The duo of Paul and Ev began as a backing band for some music Paul’s dad was recording. The magic was undeniable and the cousins have been playing together ever since. They have just released CCXMDII; a recording they did with jazz musician Matt Darriau. Paul discusses those sessions and what is next for Cinema Cinema. Follow them on social media @cinemacinema on Twitter & @cinemacinemaband on IG. Pick up CCXMD & CCXMDII wherever you get music. Follow us @PerformanceAnx on social media. You can help support the show on ko-fi.com/performanceanxiety or buy merch at performanceanx.threadless.com Follow @PantheonPods and check out all the other great shows on the network. So let’s get the show on the road with Paul Claro of Cinema Cinema on Performance Anxiety on the Pantheon Podcast Network