Spoiler alert: There is almost zero Neil Young talk in this episode. Also - THIS ONE IS RIDICULOUS. If this is your first time tuning in - sorry.

Mike couldn't make it this week, but Russ and Luke were near the equipment anyway so they thought they'd record a little something to show you they didn't forget about you and to let you know this is the end of their lackadaisical summer. Listen. We know we've been scarce. But that ends in October! Oh and we have a Patreon now! Patreon.com/longmayyouyoung is the place to get maximum content from now on.

Also, our old buddy Laco was in town so he hopped in and we premiered our first episode of our new RUSH podcast - Workin' Men! We've wanted to do a Rush podcast for a while, but we just didn't know if Mike would be interested. Since he wasn't around , we thought we'd talk about their first album while he was out this week.

Pantheonpodcasts.com for all the great Pantheon shows.

Longmayyouyoungpodcast.com for all the merch and blog goodness.