Today on the podcast we talk with Dr. Victor Montori, a Professor of Medicine at Mayo Clinic who recently self-published his very first book called The Patient Revolution for Careful and Kind Care: Why We Revolt. This manifesto calls for a fundamental change in today’s global healthcare system, advocating for patient care that’s kind, careful, and based on love.

“As I tried to write [this book], what kept coming up was not a summary of the research that we had done, but rather was a series of statements, a series of declarations of something bigger, the need for fundamental change in the way healthcare is inflicted on people.” – Dr. Victor Montori

Dr. Montori was raised in Lima, Peru, where he obtained his medical degree. He moved to Minnesota in 1996 to perform his training in Internal Medicine at Mayo Clinic. Dr. Montori is an endocrinologist and health services researcher who has authored over 550 peer-reviewed publications. He’s also the Director of Late Stage Translational Research at the Mayo Clinic Center for Clinical and Translational Science and leads the Knowledge and Encounter Research Center at Mayo Clinic to advance person-centered care for patients with diabetes and other chronic conditions.

Dr. Montori has a deep interest in patient-centered care, working to better understand how to deliver care without disrupting the lives, either by the disease or by the burden of treatment, to his patients. On the podcast today, we talk about his work with The Patient Revolution, an organization that promotes a fundamental change in the way that patient care today is delivered.

We also walk through the core set of values put forth in Dr. Montori’s brand new book, The Patient Revolution for Careful and Kind Care: Why We Revolt and his vision for a healthcare system that’s not based on competition, but on collaboration and conversations, a system that is careful and kind to all.

Dr. Montori will be performing a signing of his book at Café Steam on December 18th.

Today on the podcast we talk with Dr. Victor Montori, a Professor of Medicine at Mayo Clinic who recently self-published his very first book called The Patient Revolution for Careful and Kind Care: Why We Revolt. This manifesto calls for a fundamental change in today’s global healthcare system, advocating for patient care that’s kind, careful, and based on love.

“As I tried to write [this book], what kept coming up was not a summary of the research that we had done, but rather was a series of statements, a series of declarations of something bigger, the need for fundamental change in the way healthcare is inflicted on people.” – Dr. Victor Montori

Dr. Montori was raised in Lima, Peru, where he obtained his medical degree. He moved to Minnesota in 1996 to perform his training in Internal Medicine at Mayo Clinic. Dr. Montori is an endocrinologist and health services researcher who has authored over 550 peer-reviewed publications. He’s also the Director of Late Stage Translational Research at the Mayo Clinic Center for Clinical and Translational Science and leads the Knowledge and Encounter Research Center at Mayo Clinic to advance person-centered care for patients with diabetes and other chronic conditions.

Dr. Montori has a deep interest in patient-centered care, working to better understand how to deliver care without disrupting the lives, either by the disease or by the burden of treatment, to his patients. On the podcast today, we talk about his work with The Patient Revolution, an organization that promotes a fundamental change in the way that patient care today is delivered.

We also walk through the core set of values put forth in Dr. Montori’s brand new book, The Patient Revolution for Careful and Kind Care: Why We Revolt and his vision for a healthcare system that’s not based on competition, but on collaboration and conversations, a system that is careful and kind to all.

Dr. Montori will be performing a signing of his book at Café Steam on December 18th.