On the podcast this week we sit down with local innovator Christopher Brenna, founder of Revolutionary Earth. This nonprofit aims “to empower compassionate people to transform waste and scarcity into an ecosystem.” Revolutionary Earth works to reduce waste within social, economic, and natural systems. They run a program called “The Farm,” a collection of volunteer-maintained backyard gardens, to address both natural waste and scarcity with organic foods. Join us on the show today to learn more about this nonprofit, the state of food scarcity in Rochester, and how Revolutionary Earth aims to start a revolution from the ground up.

Links from today’s podcast:
Revolutionary Earth
Website: https://revolutionaryearth.org/
Facebook: @revolutionaryearth
Instagram: @revolutionaryearth

Music Attribution: Jane Fonda by The Grand Affair is licensed through the YouTube Audio Library.

On the podcast this week we sit down with local innovator Christopher Brenna, founder of Revolutionary Earth. This nonprofit aims “to empower compassionate people to transform waste and scarcity into an ecosystem.” Revolutionary Earth works to reduce waste within social, economic, and natural systems. They run a program called “The Farm,” a collection of volunteer-maintained backyard gardens, to address both natural waste and scarcity with organic foods. Join us on the show today to learn more about this nonprofit, the state of food scarcity in Rochester, and how Revolutionary Earth aims to start a revolution from the ground up.


Links from today’s podcast:

Revolutionary Earth

Website: https://revolutionaryearth.org/

Facebook: @revolutionaryearth

Instagram: @revolutionaryearth


Music Attribution: Jane Fonda by The Grand Affair is licensed through the YouTube Audio Library.