Today on the podcast we chat with local female entrepreneur Eva Glamaris Cruz Pena. Eva, originally from Puerto Rico, moved to the Rochester area a few years ago from Portland, Oregon. She runs her home-based online business right here in Rochester teaching emotional mastery and executive and corporate leadership skills and performing diversity and inclusion consulting. Today on the podcast we talk more about Eva’s business, her love for nature, and her passion to coach women to be more whole and fully integrated.

Music Attribution: Jane Fonda by The Grand Affair is licensed through the YouTube Audio Library.

Links from today’s podcast:
Eva Glamaris Coaching
Facebook: @evaglamaris
Instagram: @evaglamaris

Photo courtesy of Eva Glamaris Cruz Pena.

Today on the podcast we chat with local female entrepreneur Eva Glamaris Cruz Pena. Eva, originally from Puerto Rico, moved to the Rochester area a few years ago from Portland, Oregon. She runs her home-based online business right here in Rochester teaching emotional mastery and executive and corporate leadership skills and performing diversity and inclusion consulting. Today on the podcast we talk more about Eva’s business, her love for nature, and her passion to coach women to be more whole and fully integrated.


Music Attribution: Jane Fonda by The Grand Affair is licensed through the YouTube Audio Library.


Links from today’s podcast:

Eva Glamaris Coaching

Facebook: @evaglamaris

Instagram: @evaglamaris