Robin's daughter tries to get the guys sacked… Robin is making his wife ill… Calm Larry writes a book… 5 things science hasn't found answers to yet… how Tiger King is linked to Britney Spears… Jonny gets Robin with an April Fools day prank… news about Crocs… Jonny has an addition to his studio… something positive, something negative… Calm Larry watched Australian TV… Good News surrounding the Coronavirus outbreak… it's Stress Awareness month… Jonny has a message for people putting the price up for Dettol… Robin has a new addition to his studio… what O.J Simpson has to say about Tiger King… Jonny gets serious about privacy… Antarctica recorded its first heatwave… what are Robin and Jonny going to do about cutting their hair... what’s the dumbest thing the guys have hoarded?… Robin has a hack about Pizza… it's getting way too hot for the guys in their studios… Tiger King is coming back!!!… Elton John's home concert… Robin wants to report Jonny… how Oprah is helping Coronavirus… a movie about Coronavirus is happening… Jonny has an anti-hack HACK! AND MAYBE MORE BITS THAT I'VE FORGOTTEN ABOUT WRITING THIS DESCRIPTION, IT'S ALL FROM MEMORY Y'KNOW!!! HAHAHAHA