The autocorrect failure to beat all autocorrect failures... Robin is getting more creative while self-isolating... tips for homeschooling your kids... Robin loved Tiger King so much he made a song about it... Jonny didn't like the new Facebook look... Robin's daughter has a joke for Jonny... the guys play a new game, "Eau or No"... the campaign to donate blood in Oman for Coronavirus... Jonny has rearranged his house... awkward situations that everyone can relate to... Calm Larry calms his friends... Jonny had an awkward experience in the supermarket... Wimbledon got cancelled, but they got the last laugh... some good news surrounding the Coronavirus outbreak... Robin's dog invades the studio... Jonny noticed something weird about Fight Club... strange ways of keeping people indoors during isolation... some Coronavirus insanity... more good news surrounding the Coronavirus pandemic... tips for keeping your house Coronavirus free... what people are discovering about their significant other now they are self-isolating with them... something positive and something negative about being stuck at home... Calm Larry says NO to crime... the top 5 films of all time according to someone who has exactly the same taste as Jonny Borrows!!!