How Jonny screwed up with his first girlfriend... Robin's daughter has some feedback on the podcast... Robin has become one of 'those' parents... the new dating app' for dog lovers... the man who burned his house down for a date... Calm Larry watched Titanic in reverse... Jonny's new fitness podcast... the man who caught his wife cheating on Google Street View... a character in Jonny's book "does the needful"... the 270 OMR shirt you can't even own... Jonny's beehive... Jishnu the engineer has had a baby... Calm Larry doesn't want 2020 to end... Jonny needs to get a man in (!!???)... does Mickey Mouse really want Kanye to be President?... Pigeons can actually recognise human faces... the top 10 movie baddies from our childhood... Jonny's game that completely falls apart as the guys play it... Patrick from Spongebob Squarepants is getting a spin off show... David Blaine is back!... Robin and Jonny demonstrate how old they are by talking about Blockbuster Video (errrr what's that then guys????)... Tom Cruise doesn't let anyone do this one thing in his movies, apart from this lady... Calm Larry's dating profile... the gold coronavirus mask... The Fresh Prince of Bel Air is being remade! AND MOREEEEEEE