Robin has a 3rd lockdown haircut and it's REALLY extreme!... Robin has a trick for getting a toddler to take a nap... Jonny is embracing the future of broadcasting... the top "how to" search terms during the pandemic... the shoes made from apples (???!!!)... the dating app for cat people... Jonny is fooled by a Jennifer Aniston look-alike... a video game where you can kill spiders with fire... the Netflix audio sound was nearly a goats bleat... Jonny has the worst hook EVER for a story... big news about Swedish meatballs... how to organize your fridge... the guys say thanks to JBL... Jonny is really angry with Taylor Swift... Red Bull's new Counterstrike competition... a TV show where celebrities tell us what to do... the creator of American Idol is getting involved with Tik Tok... Simon Cowell broke his back... the girl who was reunited with her ring... the guy who was bullied by Ellen Degeneres 41 years ago... an inspiring weight loss story ... sometimes rolling down the window just isn't enough... are you on your device too much with your child around?... Chris Pratt is a dad again... Jonny's amazing mathematical quiz.. AND MORE!