Today our guest is Judy Wilkins-Smith.   She is a leadership and motivational speaker. An organizational, individual and family patterns expert, systemic coach, trainer, facilitator, thought partner, and founder of System Dynamics for Organizations & Individuals. By Using an interactive approach called "Dimensional Mapping”, Judy offers a deep, unbiased view of our professional or private lives. She moves organizations, teams and individuals through highly focused explorations of their systems to reveal unconscious dynamics, themes, or patterns that interrupt or hinder access to success.   You will learn about:   1.  What Judy means about being BIG?   2. What patterns Judy looks for in Organizations, Family, and Individuals and how she helps each one?   3. About what "Dimensional Mapping" is and how it works?   4. 3 Tips from Judy that can help empower you?   Also where you can find Judy on social media?   Robert Timmons