Dr. Oleg Konovalov is a thought leader, author of 4 best-selling books, business educator and consultant with over 25 years of experience operating businesses and consulting Fortune 500 companies both in the UK and internationally. He is on the Thinkers50 Radar, has been recognized as #1 Global Thought Leader on Culture by Thinkers 360 and is #1 Global Leading Coach

Interview from Moscow   Questions:   1. What is a Thought Leader?   2. Can you share with us who Oleg was before you became this amazing sought after Thought Leader?   3. Can you briefly explain what are the secrets of cultivating a strong corporate culture?   4. Speak on Advanced Leadership: Thrive in the age of Disruption. From what is happening this year of 2020 where the world has shut down and some businesses are struggling to maintain, some are starting to thrive due to the digital push, and some have lost and closed their doors forever, what are your thoughts for these current challenges of a digital disruption?   5. What do you mean that an organization is a living creature?   6. How a leader can develop a strong vision?    7. Where our listeners can find your books and follow you on social media.?   Find Oleg's books on Amazon.