Today our guest Dr. Charlie Cartwright is one of the foremost experts on leadership, employee engagement, and workplace safety in the country. Known as the Company Culture Doctor, former UPS and FedEx executive, and now highly-sought-after speaker on corporate culture and engagement. He is the creator of the People Success Formula and helps businesses small to large achieve great results by coaching them on how to tap into the inherent greatness of their people.

  Questions:   1. Could you go back to your days of being the executive of UPS and FedEx and tell our listeners what were some key areas you learned about business and yourself that helped build the person you are today?   2. Please tell us about why you are known as "The Company Culture Doctor"?   3. Can you speak about what Leadership mindset is and how it plays a role in small to large businesses?   4. What is the People Success Formula and can you give our listeners a few tips that they can implement into action for success?   5. How can our listeners find you on social media?