Dr. Chandra Shekhar Mayanil is a Neuroscientist, speaker, and founder of the Yogic Realization. He speaks internationally on topics such as neuroscience, Yogic Sciences, and Holistic Health.


1. Hello Chandra, can we start off by briefly explaining to our listeners what a Neuroscientist is and does so we can have a background of your current day to day life?

2. So let's go back to before you were a neuroscientist and tell us about how your father and mother introduced you to Yog & Yog Asanas can you talk about this time?

3. Can you speak about what your mother meant with "Silence is the source or the womb of all creation. Silence is where you will find your answers."

4. Chandra you have been quoted saying the meaning of "Yog is nothing but a drop falling into the ocean. As the drop falls, it merges with the ocean! That drop loses its own limited identity and then the ocean becomes its identity." Can you explain what you mean here for our listeners?

5. a] What is a Yogic Mindset? b] How can we use the Yogic Mindset to overcome fear once and for all time? c] Can you give our listeners ways to achieve a yogic mindset?

6. Where can our listeners follow you on social media?


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