Today our guest is Tasia Valenza who is an EMMY Winning Voice Over Artist, TEDx Speaker, Master Storyteller who is Teaching the art of confident communication Her passion and her platform is called “Give Great Voice” where she teaches people the art of confident verbal communication by thinking like a voice actor in his or her own life. She’s also the co-founder of the five-star rated affirmation meditation app called Haven and passionately believes in the power of using our voices to reprogram our minds. Questions:

1. Tasia can you help our listeners understand what "Give Great Voice" means?

2. You have a serious Voice Over resume in your toolbox from video games to Batman and Star Wars, can you walk us through some of this exciting experience?

3. Congratulations on winning an Emmy for being a Voice Over Artist, can you tell us how you worked up to this point through your daily, weekly, monthly rituals and habits to make it happen?

4. Now let's step back a bit to Tasia before this amazing journey, where do you believe your mindset was before and how do you feel it plays a role in what you do today?

5. Now you also teach the "Art of Confident Communication" can you explain this practice for our listeners and how important is ones mindset with confident communication?

6. What actionable tips can you give our listeners today to start working on their own confident communication?

7. Where can our listeners find you on social media?