🎙️🦁 Bullyproof hears from the ROARsome Jinan Budge - Principal Analyst, Forrester Research ... this is a cyber security special episode where we explore toxic security cultures, based on research Jinan published last year entitled: "Fix toxic security culture before it kills your innovation." 🦁 🎙️

CAVEAT: Although this conversation was very specific to cyber security, it applies more broadly, so any organisation that may be experiencing toxic behaviours - or is tolerating a 'brilliant jerk' - can benefit from Jinan's fantastic insights.

Watch the full conversation: 


"I knew from experience that we have a busted culture. You can hire as many people as you like, they are going to get into the security teams and experience the hideous toxicity and the way that we exclude people and the way that we can often be quite bullying towards one another."Jinan Budge 

About Jinan

Jinan leads Forrester’s security and risk research in Asia Pacific. Jinan’s research focuses on enabling the success of the chief information security officer (CISO) role; creating transformational cybersecurity strategies; and building security awareness, behavior, and culture programs at the heart of a security strategy. Jinan is a champion for diversity and inclusion in security and brings a local and global perspective and cultural lens to her research and practice. Follow Jinan's latest research here

A few highlights from the conversation: 

Jinan lives and breathes her purpose every day through her work at Forrester - her bio sums up her big WHY beautiful. We talk about why toxic security culture is such a big problem and give some tips for how to deal with itWe go deeper into Jinan's research "Fix toxic security culture before it kills your innovation" - what the research was intended to do and the key findings from it.We explore the reasons why people don't speak up... why workplace bullying largely remains a silent epidemic

And so much more!

Do not miss this interview. Jinan's wisdom is like gold dust and I can listen to her soothing voice all day. 

🧡🦁 Have you found your ROAR!? 🦁🧡  

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