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Sunday Morning

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Madeleine McCann investigation flawed from start, says ex-detective

June 14, 2020 05:25 - 15 minutes - 13.9 MB

Dr. Graham Hill is a criminologist and child protection expert who was sent to Portugal only days after British toddler Madeleine McCann went missing. He says the entire investigation was fundamentally flawed from the onset.

Life, near death and healing with the light of history

June 13, 2020 23:40 - 21 minutes - 19.6 MB

Caroline Barron embarked on a search for her father's birth family in her new book, Ripiro Beach. She wanted to find out more about where she came from and who she is. But some of what she discovered was harrowing, to say the least.  

Tom Sainsbury on men's health and lockdown comedy

June 13, 2020 23:05 - 21 minutes - 19.9 MB

 Tom Sainsbury is adding yet another string to his considerable bow by taking on an ambassadorial role during Men's Health Week, which kicks off tomorrow. He joins the show to discuss men's health and the art of unscripted comedy.

Craig Scott: '50 years on, I still get recognised every day'

June 13, 2020 22:40 - 13 minutes - 12.8 MB

It's been 50 years since Dunedin Craig Scott was on top of the New Zealand music charts and just about as famous as you can be in this country. His smash hit, Star Crossed Lovers spent four weeks at No 1 in June 1970. 

Atlanta shooting

June 13, 2020 22:33 - 4 minutes - 4.43 MB

More on the new shooting of an African-American man, this time in the US city of Atlanta. Rayshard Brooks was shot by an Atlanta police officer at a Wendy's drive-thru. He resisted arrest and there was a prolonged struggle which ended with a chase and the shooting. Greg Bluestein is a political reporter for the Atlanta Journal Constitution.

US correspondent on Rayshard Brooks' death

June 13, 2020 22:33 - 4 minutes - 4.43 MB

Rayshard Brooks was shot and killed by Atlanta police on Friday evening during an incident in a Wendy’s drive-thru.. Greg Bluestein is the political reporter for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. He's with us from Atlanta for a live update. 

New book paints birth of New Zealand rugby in different light

June 13, 2020 22:10 - 24 minutes - 22.6 MB

Dr. Ron Palenski's new book, Our Game: New Zealand Rugby at 150 offers a fresh take on the beginnings of the game of rugby in this country, with the veteran scribe offering new evidence of a game that was played in Whanganui in 1869. 

Filthy Rich author Tim Malloy: 'Epstein's currency was girls'

June 13, 2020 21:37 - 18 minutes - 17.2 MB

Tim Malloy is an Emmy Award-winning veteran of local and network television and co-author of Filthy Rich - the book about convicted child predator Jeffrey Epstein that inspired the current Netflix true crime documentary series.

Mediawatch for 14 June 2020

June 13, 2020 21:06 - 38 minutes - 34.9 MB

'Arms Down' call wins the day; controversial proposal for Maori news 'one stop shop' returns; freedom or fear - mixed messages on Level One; Shit Towns v Poo Towns showdown.

Why Covid-19 hits bald men especially hard

June 13, 2020 20:50 - 7 minutes - 6.94 MB

In almost every age group, males appear to have worse Covid-19 symptoms and a higher death rate than females. And a study from Spain suggests that a disproportionate number of men with male pattern baldness end up with Covid-19. 

Survey: Kiwis want borders with Australia and Pacific Islands open soon

June 13, 2020 20:41 - 4 minutes - 4.45 MB

The 12th weekly survey from Research New Zealand on the impact Covid-19 is having on New Zealanders' lives shows Kiwis want our borders with Australia and the Pacific Islands open sooner rather than later, but not the rest of the world.

Prince Harry's Los Angeles plans 'in tatters'

June 07, 2020 04:00 - 14 minutes - 13.2 MB

Prince Harry's Los Angeles dream is turning into something of a nightmare due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Daily Mirror Royal Editor Russell Myers joins the show with all the latest.

Covid-19: 'We have to assume the virus has attenuated'

June 07, 2020 03:18 - 10 minutes - 9.23 MB

A top Italian doctor says the new coronavirus is losing its potency and has become much less lethal, as new infections and fatalities continue to fall steadily in the country. New Zealand professor Gary McLean offers his take on the claim.

How to deal with troubling thoughts

June 06, 2020 23:30 - 10 minutes - 10 MB

If we talked to other people the way we talk to yourself we'd probably have zero friends, no job and warrants out for our arrest, says psychologist Nick Wignall. From a young age, many of us internalised what he calls the 'drill sergeant theory' of self-motivation which doesn't actually work, he tells Jim Mora.

Mammoth novel offers cautionary tales from the past

June 06, 2020 23:22 - 24 minutes - 22.1 MB

Ireland-born and Australian-based author Chris Flynn's latest novel Mammoth is an unsurprisingly left-field offering, featuring actors Nicholas Cage and Leonardo DiCaprio, and narration by a 13,000-year-old extinct mammoth. 

Protests will push US officials into action - law enforcement veteran

June 06, 2020 23:06 - 17 minutes - 15.6 MB

Diane Goldstein is a 21-year veteran of the Redondo Beach Police Department. She says the recent deaths of Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd highlight the structural racism that is rife in both the US policing and criminal justice systems.

US law enforcement veteran: 'We must take on structural racism'

June 06, 2020 23:06 - 17 minutes - 15.6 MB

Diane Goldstein is a 21-year veteran of the Redondo Beach Police Department. She says the recent deaths of Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd highlight the structural racism that is rife in both the US policing and criminal justice systems.

Dame Lois Muir: Why success is more important than winning

June 06, 2020 22:33 - 21 minutes - 19.5 MB

Dame Lois Muir has contributed to a fascinating new book that looks into leadership and team culture, Will to Win, New Zealand netball greats on team culture and leadership. She shares some of the secrets to her netball success. 

Coffee linked to lower body fat in women

June 06, 2020 22:28 - 4 minutes - 4.36 MB

Dr. Katherine Black joins the show to discuss the latest in coffee research, including the finding that women who get a caffeine fix two or three times a day have less body fat than those who drink none.

Amos Nachoum: 'Rather than aim a gun, I aimed a camera.'

June 06, 2020 22:04 - 23 minutes - 21.2 MB

"If your picture is not good enough, it's because you're not close enough." That's the mantra of Israeli solider-turned-wildlife-photographer Amos Nachoum. His film, Picture of His Life is screening online at the DocEdge Film Festival.

3MM: Mark Knoff-Thomas on celebrating NZ's small business heroes

June 06, 2020 21:37 - 3 minutes - 2.9 MB

Here's Newmarket Business Association chief executive Mark Knoff-Thomas on the importance of small business and supporting our local businesses as New Zealand's economy looks to recover post-Covid-19.

Mediawatch for 7 June 2020

June 06, 2020 21:06 - 32 minutes - 29.6 MB

Reporters cop it in land of the free-for-all; prestigious paper's staff in revolt over article not fit to print; the end of history: documentary photography in peril without publishers.

Chairman Xi driven in quest to 'make China great again'

June 06, 2020 20:41 - 19 minutes - 18.3 MB

China's leader Xi Jinping has accelerated his ambition to put Covid-19 behind it and 'make China great again'. Macquarie University Prof. of Asia-Pacific Security Studies and long-time China-watcher Bates Gill is with us to discuss. 

The Panel: Linda Clark and Richard Harman

June 06, 2020 20:22 - 16 minutes - 15.6 MB

MPs being unable to manage their staff and the continued unrest in the U.S. are on the agenda for this week's Sunday Morning panel discussion with guests Linda Clark and Richard Harman. 

US correspondent on George Floyd death and civil unrest

June 06, 2020 20:10 - 10 minutes - 9.86 MB

It's a weekend of protests from New York to Seattle in the wake of George Floyd's death, with protesters and police continuing to clash and the tensions showing no sign of abating. U.S. correspondent is Karen Kasler joins us from Ohio. 

Calling Home: Michael Hemmingsen in Guam

June 06, 2020 19:45 - 16 minutes - 14.8 MB

Michael Hemmingsen is one half of the two person team in the Philosophy programme at the University of Guam. He, wife Mariko and son Aki have lived on the tropical island for two and a half years and have adjusted well to life there. 

Covid-19: Survey shows one third of Kiwis are not contact tracing

June 06, 2020 19:10 - 6 minutes - 6.23 MB

The latest report from Research NZ on the impact Covid-19 is having shows that significantly fewer respondents believe we are adhering to social distancing rules, while one third of people are not doing contact tracing at all. 

Why do people freak out when they get lost?

May 31, 2020 05:00 - 19 minutes - 17.4 MB

Professor Kenneth Hill -- a psychologist who has dedicated his career to studying how lost people behave -- discusses his decades-long research into why people lost in forest and wildlands react the different ways they do.

Why aren't we encouraging more rain water harvesting?

May 31, 2020 03:00 - 9 minutes - 8.65 MB

With water restrictions being placed on Auckland and Northland due to drought, should urban dwellers be storing rainwater for irrigation and non-potable use when the weather gets dry?

Is this the end of Hong Kong?

May 30, 2020 23:50 - 10 minutes - 9.19 MB

The Chinese parliament approved the controversial Hong Kong security law this week, sparking outrage which led to Hong Kong riot police arresting more than 300 people. Senior CNN producer James Griffiths is with us from Hong Kong.

'China is facing its own worst nightmare'

May 30, 2020 23:10 - 22 minutes - 21 MB

China is facing big decisions about choosing between its expenditures and economy and keeping its own people happy. Professor Jane Golley, director of the ANU's Australian Centre on China in the World, says it's China's worst nightmare.

Writing romance bestsellers from a Te Puke orchard

May 30, 2020 22:04 - 22 minutes - 20.4 MB

Covid-19 has ravaged many industries, but romance novel sales have been soaring through the lockdown period, including titles from Te-Puke based mother of four Joanne Wadsworth.

Professor Michael Baker answers your Covid-19 questions

May 30, 2020 21:44 - 15 minutes - 14.1 MB

Public health physician Professor Michael Baker has been a constant and reassuring presence on Sunday Morning throughout the Covid-19 lockdown period. He returns to answer your questions and ours about the pandemic. 

3MM: Brad Olsen on building pipes, not pipe dreams

May 30, 2020 21:38 - 2 minutes - 2.58 MB

Three Minutes Max, succinct opinions from New Zealanders on topics of their choice. Here's Brad Olsen, Senior Economist at Infometrics, on investing in the foundations of New Zealand.

Mediawatch for 31 May 2020

May 30, 2020 21:08 - 36 minutes - 33.2 MB

This week Mediawatch looks at how the boss of our biggest national news company is about to become its owner - and she wants staff to take a stake in it too. Also: how efforts to eradicate a major disease have gone under the media radar.

'It feels as though our city is burning down'

May 30, 2020 20:54 - 6 minutes - 5.56 MB

Minnesota Governor Tim Waltz announced today that he was fully mobilising the National Guard to help the violent unrest that followed protests over the death of George Floyd. Christiane Cordero joins the show with all the latest news.

New blood test shows how quickly you are ageing

May 30, 2020 20:40 - 10 minutes - 9.72 MB

A new blood test has been developed to indicate a person's "pace of ageing", meaning it can estimate a person's biological age and help indicate whether they are more prone to develop chronic disease. While it may be a long way off from being commercially available, the blood test is simpler, faster and cheaper than using traditional biomarkers of ageing. Professor Richie Poulton from The Dunedin Study joins the show to tell us more.

Linda Clark & Richard Harman on George Floyd's death

May 30, 2020 20:18 - 21 minutes - 19.5 MB

Recent politics -- both here and overseas -- and the death of George Floyd and the subsequent unrest throughout the US are on the agenda for this week's panel discussion, with guests Linda Clark and Richard Harman.

SpaceX rocket launch -- live from Florida

May 30, 2020 19:17 - 3 minutes - 3.4 MB

The ground-breaking launch of a SpaceX rocket ship in Florida was called off at the 11th hour during the week because of the danger of lightning. The second attempt takes place today and we're joined by space reporter Joey Roulette.

Covid-19: Survey suggests Kiwis are being blasé

May 30, 2020 19:15 - 4 minutes - 3.78 MB

The latest report by Research NZ on the impact the Covid-19 virus is having on Kiwis' lives has just been released, with results suggesting that one in three Kiwis are only occasionally listening to official advice and information, if at all. 

Pulitzer Prize winner opts for life away from the lens

May 23, 2020 23:28 - 16 minutes - 15.6 MB

Irish photojournalist Cathal McNaughton gave up the 'best job in the world' for a quieter life in a cottage in the Glens of Antrim after winning a Pulitzer Prize.

'It suits Beijing to have a puppet like Carrie Lam'

May 23, 2020 23:12 - 14 minutes - 13.4 MB

Hong Kong-based writer and lawyer Antony Dapiran believes Beijing is keen to re-shape Hong Kong into an image that is a lot more to their liking. And he says they're happy to have a "puppet" like Carrie Lam pulling the strings there. 

3MM: Sara Walton on 'the next normal'

May 23, 2020 22:42 - 2 minutes - 2.04 MB

Three Minutes Max, succinct opinions from Kiwis on topics of their choice. Associate Professor Sara Walton from Otago University's Business School shares her thoughts on the 'next normal' and building resilience for the future of work.

Niall Ferguson: 'Cold War II is happening now'

May 23, 2020 22:04 - 35 minutes - 32.7 MB

Renowned historian and author Niall Ferguson says the increasing toxicity between the US and China is a sure sign that we are living in Cold War II. And he thinks it's likely that things will continue to escalate.

3MM: Gary McCormick on riding life's wave

May 23, 2020 21:38 - 2 minutes - 2.71 MB

Three Minutes Max, succinct opinions from Kiwis on topics of their choice. Broadcaster, raconteur and surfer Gary McCormick discusses the philosophy of having a less tidy life and learning to ride the waves that life brings your way.

Mediawatch for 24 May 2020

May 23, 2020 21:05 - 33 minutes - 30.9 MB

Bridges rolled after polls pile on the pressure; Prominent pundit pulls back over Muller link; Media on the block vulnerable to vultures.

Samoan economy rocked, despite no Covid-19 cases

May 23, 2020 20:52 - 5 minutes - 5.39 MB

Samoa continues to have no confirmed cases of Covid-19, but like almost everywhere else in the world, the local economy has been hit hard by lockdown restrictions. Chef and restaurateur Joe Lam joins the show from Apia.

How Covid-19 could change public toilets forever

May 23, 2020 20:36 - 15 minutes - 14 MB

With experts estimating that a 'toilet plume' can travel six feet in every direction, and considering many public toilets aren't even equipped with lids, commercial bathrooms could be forever changed for the better due to Covid-19.

Linda Clark & Richard Harman discuss politics and progress

May 23, 2020 20:18 - 20 minutes - 19.2 MB

The change at the top of the National Party's hierarchy and the nation's overall progress under Alert Level 2 are on the agenda for this week's panel discussion, which includes guests Linda Clark and Richard Harman. 

Eid al-Fitr: Muslims mark the end of Ramadan amid restrictions

May 23, 2020 20:10 - 6 minutes - 6 MB

The fasting month of Ramadan ends this weekend with the appearance of the new moon. Auckland University student Zainab Baba discusses how her family will be celebrating Eid and how the lockdown has impacted on things. 


The Periodic Table
1 Episode