The United Nations Security Council continues to reject a resolution for a ceasefire between Gaza and Israel.
The 15-member body's primary responsibility is to maintain international peace and security, but it has so far failed in four attempts to secure a ceasefire resolution due to either Russia or the U.S. wielding their veto.
At the weekend, New Zealand along with 120-other countries voted in favour of a similar but non-binding vote at the General Assembly, calling for an "immediate, durable and sustained humanitarian truce" between Israeli forces and Hamas militants in Gaza, as well as demands that all parties comply with international humanitarian law, and to ensure sufficient and unhindered aid and supplies can get into the Gaza Strip.
It also called for the immediate and unconditional release of all civilians held captive. 14 countries, including the United States, voted against the resolution - and 45 others abstained.
New Zealand was the only one of the five eyes partners who voted in favour of the resolution.
Caretaker prime minister Chris Hipkins spoke to Ingrid Hipkiss.