Ukrainians in Mariupol say Russian forces have resumed shelling in the city, despite another promise of a ceasefire.
Evacuations have stalled and delivery of aid has once again been blocked.
The International Red Cross has warned the city's 400,000 residents still under siege are running dangerously low on food and water.
Dozens of bodies have been buried in a mass grave as it wasn't possible to reach burial sites outside the city.
The death toll just in Mariupol has surpassed 12,00, with the real figure likely to be higher.
It comes after a maternity hospital was hit by an air strike, killing three people, including a child.
In a national address, President Volodymyr Zelensky said Ukrainians have not become slaves and they never will.
The BBC's James Waterhouse spoke to Corin Dann from Kyiv.