This episode has three significant voices from the Democrat party: Former President Barack Obama, Senator Kamala Harris, and Former Vice President Joe Biden.  Each speaks on the importance of the American people voting in November 2020.  President Obama's recording comes from segments of the Pod Save America podcast with Jon Favreau and Tommy Vietor.  Senator Harris' recording comes from segments of The Rachel Maddow Show which was aired on MSNBC on October 14, 2020.  The final recording segment is that of Former Vice President Joe Biden who conducted a town hall on October 15, 2020 on the ABC television network.   All three recordings of these significant leaders emphasize why Americans should vote this election season; not only for president, but for senators running for re-election.  Each of these voices agrees that winning the majority in the Senate will assure America is steered back to the center of both ideological parties.