We are dropping this special edition of the podcast because when you are working with folks from Team RWB it is just impossible to keep it all to ourselves! Melissa McHarg is in the host chair talking with Mike Greenwood and Caroline Angel. Team RWB is a nationwide organization with over 115,000 members, in over 200 locations and their mission is to enrich the lives of America’s veterans by connecting them to their community through physical and social activity. #ItsOurTurn #EagleUp Mike talks about how he came to join Team RWB while out running alone at the Air Force Academy. The camaraderie and sense of purpose lead him to help start a local chapter and later became the Northwest Regional Program Manager for Team RWB. Caroline Angel R.N., Ph.D is the Research Director for Team RWB. This research aspect is an activity of Team RWB that is of special interest to us at RMIRECC; will the science show that Team RWB has specific benefits for Veterans? Tune in.