But, in this episode, we’re going to talk about the limits of shock value. Joining us is the world’s greatest writer, June Martin.

The post Shock Value, or, Don’t Cut Yourself On That Edge by Matt Keeley appeared first on Kittysneezes.

In this podcast, we talk a lot about transgressive art and pushing the envelope. We rail against censors and prudes. And for that reason, we’ve gotten a little bit of a reputation as shock jocks and edgelords. And we have definitely attracted some shock jocks and edgelords. But, in this episode, we’re going to talk about the limits of shock value. Joining us is the world’s greatest writer, June Martin.

[Transcript here]


June Martin
Breakfast of Champions – Kurt Vonnegut
The Devils
John Waters

About Rite Gud: R. S. Benedict is an author, appearing in Fantasy and Science Fiction and Gardner Dozois’ The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of The Year’s Best Science Fiction. Matt Keeley, founder of Kittysneezes, is producing Rite Gud for KS Media, LLC. Rite Gud is a Kittysneezes production. If you have questions, comments and concerns, email ritegud – at – kittysneezes – dot – com. Rite Gud is also on Patreon, at patreon.com/ritegud. Patrons receive access to the official Kittysneezes Discord, exclusive episodes and more.

The Rite Gud theme is by OK Glass. Follow them on Twitter, YouTube and Bandcamp, and at OK.Glass.

Featured image by Nathan In San Diego/Flickr.

The post Shock Value, or, Don’t Cut Yourself On That Edge by Matt Keeley appeared first on Kittysneezes.

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