What do you get when you combine one part Ritch Erani and one part Vince Spinnato? An emotional and entertaining two part episode of course! 

Cosmetic chemist Vince Spinnato has helped to develop and manufacture product and private label lines for numerous cosmetics and health care companies. If you ever wore perfume, makeup, or had a skin care regimen, there’s a good chance that Vince had a brilliant hand in it developing that product. Jennifer Lopez,  Khloe Kardashian, and Pitbull are just a few of the celebrities that have sought out Vince to help them develop their product lines.

With the 2021 release of his book, My Pursuit of Beauty: A Cosmetic Chemist Reveals the Glitz, the Glam, and the Batsh*t Crazy, Vince shares some of his life’s most bizarre situations and divulges the inner workings of the multi-billion-dollar beauty industry.

Join Ritch and Vince as they discuss cosmetic surgery, childhood trauma, and trichotillomania in Part One of this two part interview.

Learn more about Vince Spinnato at:
