In this episode of Risky Women Radio, host Kimberley Cole kicks off Series 7 by discussing the predictions for 2024 in the field of risk regulation and compliance. She is joined by Carol Beaumier and Bernadine Reese from Protiviti, who share their insights on the compliance environment over the past decade and the evolving role of the Chief Compliance Officer.

They highlight the key priorities for 2024, including the need for proactive risk assessment, horizon scanning, managing digital risks, effective compliance monitoring, and adapting to changing resourcing needs. The discussion emphasizes the importance of staying ahead of emerging issues and adopting a holistic approach to compliance in order to navigate the external and internal challenges that lie ahead. This episode provides valuable insights for risk and compliance professionals to effectively address the evolving compliance landscape in the year ahead.


00:01 Compliance predictions for 2024 with industry experts
05:36 Importance of internal and external factors
11:42 Lessons learned (or not)
19:05 Next 10 years and technology evolution