When Jake reached out to me, I was instantly intrigued by him. At the young age of 23, he has accomplished a lot of things, and has even inspired me to hustle harder.

He recently launched his new book, Elevate Beyond, and it has already seen instant success. We'll talk about the book, his speaking engagements, and why he left his internship with the Los Angeles Lakers.

I don't want to give away the whole story, so be sure to listen and I promise you'll be motivated to take action after hearing Jake's story.

I hope you enjoy this episode and be sure to subscribe to the podcast here!

Buy Jake's Book

Elevate Beyond

Everything mentioned

USC ZBT Fraternity
Straight Curve Marketing
Fundamental Mindset
Elevate Beyond (Jake's book)
Idea Factory
Jake Kassan
MVMT Watches
Saving Innocence
Jon Gordon
Kobe Bryant's Last Game
Brock Vereen
Jeff Fellenzer

Connect with Jake

Website: jakekelfer.com
Facebook: facebook.com/jakekelferjourney
Twitter: @jakekelfer
Instagram: @jakekelfer
Email: [email protected]

Best quotes from this episode I asked myself, "What do I know, and how can I help people?" I'm a big believer in taking the risks and following your heart, as long as you're willing to put in the work. Take advantage of the opportunities that are in front of you. One of the things I like to do is listen to those that are more experienced than me, because I'm so young and I have so much to learn. I have mentors in all different aspects of my life, and I think that's a huge reason for a lot of my success so far. My first company was just an incredible start to entrepreneurship and really fired me up for my future and what I'm currently working on. When I was growing up, it was go to school, get good grades, go to college, and then you're probably just gonna end up getting a job and start paying the bills. Things change and situations come up where you have to adapt and make different decisions. I'm young, I'm ambitious, and if I fail, and it doesn't work out, oh well, at least I tried. And now I know what doesn't work and I can learn from that. But if I never tried, I didn't want to look back ten years from now and say I wish I would have followed my heart and pursued my passions. I don't have the knowledge of somebody that has had ten extra years of life experience on me, but what I do have is just an immense hunger and desire to learn and continue to grow and to make an impact. The only shortcut in life is to start now. -David Kelfer A lot of people still don't understand why I'm doing what I'm doing, but that doesn't mean they're correct. That just means they don't understand yet. It's all about achieving your own definition of success, not just what everyone wants you to achieve and what everyone might assume success is. When you can combine hustle with working hard and working smart, I think that's when you really create something great. Enjoy the journey and be in the moment. -Sheri Kelfer Sometimes entrepreneurship scares the shit out of me, but at the same time, that's what excites me. Fear is important to acknowledge as long as it doesn't control you. Everytime you meet someone, it is an interview. When you combine entertainment with education, and to do it in a good organized way, the result and the value can be extraordinary. One of the biggest risks that I've taken was turning down multiple full-time job offers before graduation and deciding that I was going to pursue my passion. At the time, a lot of people criticized my decision. But I knew that it's what I wanted to do and it was aligning with my goals and my definition of success. And so I took that risk and I have not regretted it one day since then. Thanks for listening

Be sure to subscribe to the podcast here and I can't wait to share the next episode with you soon! And feel free to leave a comment below with your feedback and any questions you have.

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