Meet Jodi Daniels, CEO and founder of Red Clover Advisors, a privacy compliance consultancy.  Do you understand the difference between security and privacy?  Where do they overlap?  Jodi walks us through the differences and similarities, and why each is extremely important in today’s cyber enabled world. 

 The foundation of privacy is trust!  

Equally important, the time to think about privacy isn’t after you’ve experienced a data breach.

How businesses collect, use, share and store personal information determines their level of privacy risk.  Jodi discusses how she uses a risk-based approach in developing a privacy program. Taking precautions up front can help you understand your legal obligations and most importantly protect your company’s reputation.

 As privacy regulations expand, and the penalties for non-compliance grows, implementing a solid privacy program is no longer optional. 

Listen in as Jodi shares some insight and personal experiences in the rapidly expanding world of privacy protection.

Contact Jodi at