We are once again with Flick March, Director of Security and Resiliency for Europe, Middle East and Africa at the IBM spinoff company, Kindryl.

When we last spoke to Flick in December, the topic was ransomware and all the crazy exposures she sees with companies and how they manage IT risk.  

In the last six months, ransomware has become a worldwide epidemic, and unfortunately, the concern for business risk management is just as concerning.  For example, do you know what are your firm’s crown jewels?  Are you confident your key business processes are defined, what technology do you need at time of recovery and where are all your assets? 

If you have a forty-three terabyte database destroyed, and you can only restore 2 terabytes a day, plan to be down for at least 3 weeks!  And you probably need another week to make sure the data is correct.  Confused?

Join Flick as she shares another eye-popping round of stories about companies who are in deep trouble if the fickle finger of fate ever points in their direction!  Trust me, one night in the pub and Flick could make your eyes bleed!





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