Today’s episode highlights the good news and the bad news about the current state of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Dr. Ron Baecker. Dr. Baecker is an author, Emeritus Professor of Computer Science at Toronto University, and Founder and Chairman of the non-profit Computers and Society Organization.  

Ron explains how some areas of AI are mature and working successfully.  However, there are other areas of AI that Ron considers immature, and at this point, unrealistic. There’s also an ethical side of decision making within some areas of AI that Ron finds disturbing.  

Listen in as Ron and Michael discuss the joys and the horrors of the next phase of the AI era.  

Ron can be reached by email at [email protected] or on LinkedIn.  Ron’s non-profit collective can be accessed at  Also, Ron’s latest book “Digital Dreams Have Become Nightmares: What Must We Do” is available at


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