FEATURING MIKE KONCZAL – The “free market” we are told by its proponents is the best path to prosperity for all. “Free enterprise” is a right that subsumes other rights. Freedom from regulations will unlock wealth. This is the myth that America is steeped in. Rarely if ever, do our politicians demand that we center...

FEATURING MIKE KONCZAL – The “free market” we are told by its proponents is the best path to prosperity for all. “Free enterprise” is a right that subsumes other rights. Freedom from regulations will unlock wealth. This is the myth that America is steeped in. Rarely if ever, do our politicians demand that we center our freedom to live full lives, work reasonable hours, access health care, etc.  

But American history is filled with the struggle to define freedom as centering on human needs. Telling that story in a new book is my guest.

Mike Konczal is a director at the Roosevelt Institute, where he focuses on economics, inequality, and the role of public power in a democracy. He is a co-author, with Joseph Stiglitz, of Rewriting the Rules of the American Economy. His new book is called Freedom from the Market: America’s Fight to Liberate Itself from the Grip of the Invisible Hand.