FEATURING EMILY MCARTHUR – On Friday President elect Joe Biden laid out an ambitious economic stimulus package during which he made a forceful case for why the federal minimum wage ought to be $15 an hour. The movement to “Fight for $15” gained traction years ago from labor groups in the face of stiff resistance....

FEATURING EMILY MCARTHUR – On Friday President elect Joe Biden laid out an ambitious economic stimulus package during which he made a forceful case for why the federal minimum wage ought to be $15 an hour. The movement to “Fight for $15” gained traction years ago from labor groups in the face of stiff resistance. One of the earliest places where the minimum wage was successfully raised to $15 an hour was Seattle, Washington, where the newly elected openly socialist City Council member Kshama Sawant campaigned for the hard-won victory. Now, those who have long viewed her presence on the City Council as anathema to maintaining the status quo are pushing to recall the fiery activist and politician, just a year after voters reelected her.

Emily McArthur, campaign manager of the Kshama Solidarity Campaign.