Welcome! You can find all of today's show notes over at http://stephaniepollock.com/bpp048


Quick Update

Before we begin, I wanted to share a brief, somewhat meta, update with you. After being asked by clients, friends and colleagues to share how I got this podcast off the ground, I decided to put together a beta program called Podcast Like a PRO to help aspiring podcasters launch their shows.

This program isn’t a deep-dive into all the technical components (though we do cover the basics) but more for of a strategic map to Plan, Publish and Promote your show.

If you’ve been thinking about capitalizing on this growing marketing platform and want the ability to share your expertise or best ideas with in an intimate way (nothing more intimate than being right in someone’s earbuds right?), then contact me directly at [email protected] or visit the show notes at stephaniepollock.com/bpp048 to be in touch.

Because this a beta program, starting December 7th, I don’t have a fancy sales page setup. Just email me and I’ll send you the details - I’m already excited about the women who’ve signed up so far. Let’s help you get your show on air!


Today we are going to talk about WAITING and the 9 P's of why we wait and what we can do about it.  

About why we wait to take action. Why we wait to make decisions. Why we wait to do what we need to do. I want to talk about what’s driving that, and how we can identify when we’re putting roadblocks between ourselves and success, and when waiting is exactly what we need to be doing. And how to know the difference.


Recommended Resources 

I give you permission

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert