Previous Episode: Use your margins
Next Episode: Embrace your humanness

Faith includes noticing the mess, the emptiness and discomfort, and letting it be there until some light returns.

Anne Lamott

As we find ourselves in the middle of this global pandemic; past the shock and awe of those first few weeks of the shutdown and quarantining, yet still months away from anything that looks like 'normal,' I've been thinking about what we can notice about our experiences, right now.

The conversations I'm having with friends, family and clients are ones around the future - what we want, what we no longer want and where we want to put our attention and focus when this is done (or close to done).

In today's episode, I talk about the importance of noticing: paying attention to the rhythms of our days, to our energy, to where we find ourselves pulled. I believe these quieter moments in this global pause, can be helpful informants for how we make decisions about the future.

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Join LEAD.Well – a new leadership subscription for women who want to be better, braver leaders. *Price goes up May 11th.

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