“Not my monkey, not my circus!”

As a business owner, sometimes it’s easy to jump on every bandwagon that comes along because we think it’s what we ‘should’ do, what will work and what will get us to success.

While there’s always merit to learning from others’ experience and implementing proven tools, over the long haul it won’t be sustainable to simply follow someone else’s path.

You have to define your own definition of success. And that’s what we’re talking about on today’s episode.

Your business will only work if it works for you – in all aspects. Even if it doesn’t line up with the common and over-hyped success indicators we see online.

A personalized success plan is tailored to you – your values and priorities – anchors into the whole picture of your life. The only way to live your life by your design is to get clear on what you truly want and then incorporate strategies, habits, checks and balances that support you.

Recommended Resources

Work, Sleep, Family, Fitness or Friends: Pick 3

CEO Fast Track – on sale until February 18 for just $25

My PRO Plan – a comprehensive planning system for small business owners

The advice that changed my life (BPP #003) 


Thanks for listening!

I want to thank you for listening and to those that have taken the time to review the show. If you like the Beyond PRO Podcast, please consider leaving an honest review in iTunes. Your review goes a long way to help this podcast get found by more people. Thank you!

You can review & rate the show here Beyond PRO Podcast.

“Not my monkey, not my circus!”

As a business owner, sometimes it’s easy to jump on every bandwagon that comes along because we think it’s what we ‘should’ do, what will work and what will get us to success.

While there’s always merit to learning from others’ experience and implementing proven tools, over the long haul it won’t be sustainable to simply follow someone else’s path.

You have to define your own definition of success. And that’s what we’re talking about on today’s episode.

Your business will only work if it works for you – in all aspects. Even if it doesn’t line up with the common and over-hyped success indicators we see online.

A personalized success plan is tailored to you – your values and priorities – anchors into the whole picture of your life. The only way to live your life by your design is to get clear on what you truly want and then incorporate strategies, habits, checks and balances that support you.

Recommended Resources

Work, Sleep, Family, Fitness or Friends: Pick 3

CEO Fast Track – on sale until February 18 for just $25

My PRO Plan – a comprehensive planning system for small business owners

The advice that changed my life (BPP #003) 


Thanks for listening!

I want to thank you for listening and to those that have taken the time to review the show. If you like the Beyond PRO Podcast, please consider leaving an honest review in iTunes. Your review goes a long way to help this podcast get found by more people. Thank you!

You can review & rate the show here Beyond PRO Podcast.