Shownotes >>

A bird sitting in a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because its trust is not in the branch but in its wings. ~Unknown

Spring has sprung, quarter two is ahead of us and I’m taking a moment to pause, catch my breath and regroup. In reality, that’s meant putting a few exciting opportunities on the backburner and easing up my work processes a bit.

I’m not always good at parking projects – I want to do them all right now, thank you very much. But after 11 years in business, I know that when I try to do it all, I end up doing none of it well. And I’m actively working to break that pattern.

In today’s episode, I share what’s going on for quarter two, what I decided to put in an Evernote folder for later and why it’s important for you to do a Q2 check-in too.

And then I share three reminders to help you navigate these next months with ease and joy.

Enjoy the episode!

Recommended Resources:

The Leadership League Mastermind

Team Steph Book Updates

ACE Class Master Class

30 Ways to Spring Clean Your Business (part #1)

30 Ways to Spring Clean Your Business (part #2)

30 Ways to Spring Clean Your Business (part #3)

30 Ways to Spring Clean Your Business (part #4)

30 Ways to Spring Clean Your Business (part #5)

30 Ways to Spring Clean Your Business (part #6)

Thanks for listening:

Stephanie is an amazing, and realistic, leader. She breaks business down into tangible chunks and realizes real life happens, but gives you tools to succeed in light of it. Her podcast is a breath of fresh air and I’m burning through her earlier ones at lightning speed and so pumped up to apply all her amazing tips!  ~ Liz of Lekker Cider

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