Victoria Smith is leading in the margins.

Throughout the early months of the pandemic, while most of us were stocking up on toilet paper and watching Tiger King, Victoria was parenting two young children, working a full-time job, running a business, moving provinces and, wait for it...writing and publishing a book.

But she's the first to say it wasn't easy or without sacrifice. In this episode, we talk about how she made it all fit (and how she redefined the metrics that mattered) and why now was the time to write her first book.

This is an inspiring, real-talk episode about what it takes to lead in the margins.

Enjoy the episode.


Recommended Resources:

Grab a copy of Victoria’s book, Stress Less in 90 Days: Your guide to beat burnout, build resilience and actually enjoy your daily life.

Victoria’s website

Victoria on Instagram

Ditch your metrics

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