Previous Episode: Ep. 59- Andi's Story
Next Episode: Ep. 61- Hosts' Check-In

Becky and Tiffany are joined by Tara, the daughter of a sex addict and a betrayed spouse.  She is the Executive Director of S.A. Lifeline, which provides resources for addicts and those experiencing betrayal trauma. Tara shares that she was a long-time believer in God at her core, but that her black and white thinking led her to feel God’s love was conditional. Tara shares the difficulty that came from not knowing the full truth of her father’s addiction, and the pain and relief at learning the full truth of his behaviors, including his arrest and loss of church membership. Tara describes her healing that came alongside watching her father turn his heart toward God and becoming humble, honest, accountable, and connected to God and others. She testifies of the power Christ has to fundamentally change and transform something, and knows that because God was in the mess and darkness with her father, He will be there the long game with each of His children, including her.


Show notes:

S.A. Lifeline website-


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