Becky and Tiffany sit down with Abby to share her story. A mom of three, Abby discusses how even though her husband was upfront about his problem with pornography before they got married, she was unprepared for the difficulties that would come. During the first several years of their marriage, she felt a complete disconnection with her addict husband, with herself, with others, and with God. She and her husband spoke with their bishop, attended twelve-step groups, and engaged in group therapies. But it wasn’t until she began focusing on herself and tearing down her feelings of apathy that she could allow herself to feel anger. This anger was a helpful emotion because it encouraged her to act. Her relationship with the Lord was restored when, after the birth of their third child, a son with special needs, she learned to start asking Him for help through prayer. Instead of asking her husband about his acting out with pornography, she asks him how connected he feels. Now she engages in a personalized process of music, journaling, physical activity, and talking with the Lord whenever she is feeling triggered or needs help. She knows that she can walk by her husband’s side, but whenever things get hard, she can hand him off to the Savior.