The first thing God commanded Israel to ever do is to celebrate a festival as their first point of departure and set-apartness from Egypt. To eat a perfect lamb, and to share that lamb with their neighbour.

Today God is presenting an end days repeat of Passover, where we are to partake in the perfect Lamb of God and to share that lamb with our neighbour. It has always been about ensuring that all with a clean heart has the knowledge to paint their doorposts with His blood.

Are you prepared for the end times Passover exile everything points to? It wasn't enough to take Israel out of Egypt, God needed to take Egypt out of Israel. It is not enough to remove ourselves from the world, we need to let God remove the world from our hearts too.

Torah Portion: Bo | Come | בוא

The first thing God commanded Israel to ever do is to celebrate a festival as their first point of departure and set-apartness from Egypt. To eat a perfect lamb, and to share that lamb with their neighbour.

Today God is presenting an end days repeat of Passover, where we are to partake in the perfect Lamb of God and to share that lamb with our neighbour. It has always been about ensuring that all with a clean heart has the knowledge to paint their doorposts with His blood.

Are you prepared for the end times Passover exile everything points to? It wasn’t enough to take Israel out of Egypt, God needed to take Egypt out of Israel. It is not enough to remove ourselves from the world, we need to let God remove the world from our hearts too.

Torah Portion: Bo | Come | בוא


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