Have you ever heard of a strong Christian, who's fire went out? Or even worse, a once 'believer' who fell away completely. Like Judas who dwelled with Jesus: Ate with him, slept with him, arose in the morning to walk through the streets of Jerusalem with Him - yet betrayed Him. The mere fact that it is possible for us to betray Messiah in the way that Judas did, calls for examination.

And that examination has been given to us by Father in the form of Passover.

But Judas kept the commandments and feasts, kept Passover - he managed to keep it all religiously while having an unchanged heart. The sin of Judas is still around today: Some have an outward appearance of religion, yet lack the power and love. And at the communion taken at the 'Last Supper', Judas partook unworthily and received the great judgment.

Will you be different from Judas by doing this Passover differently? Not only by mere physical observations and going through motions but by examining your heart and asking Father to show the leaven hidden even in the deepest closets of your heart. God calls His people to reconsider this Passover deeper and more seriously than all before it.

Have you ever heard of a strong Christian, who’s fire went out? Or even worse, a once ‘believer’ who fell away completely. Like Judas who dwelled with Jesus: Ate with him, slept with him, arose in the morning to walk through the streets of Jerusalem with Him - yet betrayed Him. The mere fact that it is possible for us to betray Messiah in the way that Judas did, calls for examination.

And that examination has been given to us by Father in the form of Passover.

But Judas kept the commandments and feasts, kept Passover - he managed to keep it all religiously while having an unchanged heart. The sin of Judas is still around today: Some have an outward appearance of religion, yet lack the power and love. And at the communion taken at the ‘Last Supper’, Judas partook unworthily and received the great judgment.

Will you be different from Judas by doing this Passover differently? Not only by mere physical observations and going through motions but by examining your heart and asking Father to show the leaven hidden even in the deepest closets of your heart. God calls His people to reconsider this Passover deeper and more seriously than all before it.


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