To marry, and whom we marry is the biggest decision in life next to deciding to follow Christ. Yet often this decision is rushed into by people who aren't both completely "sold out" to God. The marriage will seem fine at first, but soon things start crumbling. We then throw our hands to God and ask "why", yet we married someone who never truly died to themselves.

Marriage is supposed to have a primary purpose of glorifying God. It's not primarily about you, your spouse, house or kids. It's supposed to be about Him. And if both individuals aren't on fire for Him, He simply won't come first. A marriage that doesn't put Him first, is a marriage based on the things of this world, a marriage that will suffer at the hand of lukewarmness and unbelief.

To marry, and whom we marry is the biggest decision in life next to deciding to follow Christ. Yet often this decision is rushed into by people who aren’t both completely “sold out” to God. The marriage will seem fine at first, but soon things start crumbling. We then throw our hands to God and ask “why”, yet we married someone who never truly died to themselves.

Marriage is supposed to have a primary purpose of glorifying God. It’s not primarily about you, your spouse, house or kids. It’s supposed to be about Him. And if both individuals aren’t on fire for Him, He simply won’t come first. A marriage that doesn’t put Him first, is a marriage based on the things of this world, a marriage that will suffer at the hand of lukewarmness and unbelief.


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