Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

– Margaret Mead

I begin Season 1 by interviewing Jennifer Touchet.  She played a pivotal role in saving a parcel of land that was slated for re-development at the end of the street where I now live.  I was not expecting to learn such deep and transferrable lessons from her.  I knew by reading the donor names and invocation inscribed in a rock at the entrance of Twelve Hills Nature Center that a significant effort had been undertaken and that someone(s) had been in charge. Jennifer shares wisdom that is useful for anyone, anywhere, leading change.

EASTER EGG ALERT!  Stay tuned to the end of this episode to hear my visit to Seedschool, a small school that convenes weekly at Twelve Hills in a converted bus named Matilda.  The owner, Jennifer Stuart, is another Oak Cliff Hero.  You’ll be delighted by sounds of children learning!

This interview was so full of learning for me!  Here's a peek of what you'll hear:

Jennifer's effective communication style that creates space for multiple perspectivesThe importance of a multi-stakeholder orientation and knowing where the power liesThe power of a collective vision and keeping aligned to thatWin does not mean winner-take-allStaying open - no permanent enemies and not permanent alliesThe relationship of commitment and experience

I’ve provided tips for effectively leading change, along with links for templates and additional exploration.  Check out the website episode page for much, much more detail.

Thanks for tuning in - I'd love to hear back from you!
