Culture eats strategy for lunch - Peter Drucker NOTE:  Show Notes on the Rise Leaders Radio web page are full of suggestions and resources related to building a thriving culture, staying relevant as your industry changes and keeping the business strong even as the personal partnership changes  Anytime Fitness Bishop Arts is in the 97th percentile of clubs in the Anytime Fitness franchise and quite easily achieved status as a Platinum Club.   Several metrics combine for this designation:  member retention, financial results, team member retention, and their PLEASE scores, which are based on the club’s alignment with corporate values.   I have a colleague who likes to say, "leaders get the organizations they deserve".  Owners Jacqui Bliss and Renee Reed have a lot to be proud of and they are getting exactly what they worked hard for and thus deserve. The Platinum Club accolade does not surprise me one bit.  I’ve been a member of AF BAD (Anytime Fitness Bishop Arts District) for two years and from the moment I walked in I could feel the culture.  And because my experience and their offer continues to improve, I conclude that I was not shown dogs and ponies.  It’s an easy place to be; the community is friendly and eager to support your goals.  Even with the neighborly atmosphere, the sweat pours, heart rates rise and strength is built.     I always intended that the Rise Leaders Radio podcast include two ways of bringing value:  the interview itself and an accompanying article, or blog post that picks up on and extends past the content of the podcast.  These Show Notes expand on concepts and provide links to helpful resources.     Here are the big ideas of the podcast:Elements of their high-performing cultureStaying relevant in the changing world of fitnessHow business partners get through hard time by staying focused on the future and leaning on each other’s strengths  The show notes are a separate value piece and I hope you’ll read and comment!   And if you feel moved, please rate Rise Leaders Radio on iTunes and leave a comment! Elevate your part of the world- LeeAnn