Previous Episode: Tom Dumez

Lest you assume that the RIM services world – especially in the multi-service record center part of the industry –  is lacking in new entrepreneurial start-ups… today’s show might change your mind.

My guest today is  someone who came into the industry with absolutely NO connection to it… fact is he didn’t even know what it was or that it even existed.

He was a cattle farmer from a small town south of Calgary.

Today he’s a few short years into building his record center business.

Bruce Nilsson started File Solutions in the agricultural town of Lethbridge, Alberta with his cousin.  Bruce started the business after selling the family farm of five generations.

But, you need to listen to him tell the story.

I hope you are encouraged, inspired or maybe just reminded about the greatness of the entrepreneurial spirit that is evident in Bruce.

Enjoy his story today.

We’ll also update you on the most recent industry news.

Have a great week as we get closer to the festivities and the year end.

Special Thanks to our Exclusive Show Sponsor, O’Neil Software.