I continue with the same question; Who is Paul writing to in Romans 9 thru 11?

Church tradition has Paul writing to Christians.  But is that true?

We read in Romans 9 verses 3 & 4 that Paul is writing to his “brethren” his “kinsmen” in the flesh, Israelites.

Paul affirms his intended audience again here in the first verse of Romans 10.

"Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved." - Rom 10:1 KJV

Remember, Paul is writing about Israel.  He is not writing about the church, the Body of Christ.  Paul is writing to the little flock believers in Rome.  Jews and proselytes following their Messiah Jesus and considering themselves under the law of Moses.  Also, Paul seems to have expanded his audience to include all the Israelites in Rome.  Keep this fact in focus.  If you try to apply chapters 9 through 11 to us, the church, you will immediately encounter problematic passages that are contrary to us being under grace and possessing eternal life.

Greetings, I'm Dr. Paul Felter.  

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