Romans 12

The apostle Paul opens this chapter with a peculiar charge.

Verse 1.

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." - Romans 12:1 KJV

Paul charges those at Rome to present themselves to God as a “living sacrifice.” What is a “living sacrifice?”  Those Jews and proselytes understood the Jewish sacrificial system of presenting an animal to the priest to be killed as a sacrifice to God. But a “living sacrifice” is a new concept. A living sacrifice is a life presented to God, offered to do His will fulfilling His purposes. A life of continued service, not a one-time sacrifice. Paul adds that a life of continued service to God is your reasonable duty. A living sacrifice is a sacrifice of service as the Lord Jesus Christ made the once for all sacrifice for sin on Calvary’s Cross.

I have said from the beginning that the intended audience of Romans was Jews and proselytes. But there is much truth in Romans, as in every book of the Bible, for us to learn. The previous verse is a good example. Even though a Jew would better understand, as they were in a sacrificial system. We Gentiles can see that we must surrender to God in service. Seeking His will for our lives by walking in the Spirit.  God has a plan for our lives and we should seek him daily. Just because a book of the Bible was not written directly to the church, the body of Christ, does not mean that we should ignore it. On the contrary, every book of the Bible has spiritual truth for us to glean. The entire Bible was written for us, but not to us. That’s important to remember.


Books, eBooks, and Audiobooks:

Revelation Rightly Divided

Master Key to Understanding the Bible:

Beyond the Rapture: Guide to the Great Tribulation:

Future History: God's Intelligence Briefing on the End Times.: