Romans 4

Have you ever wondered why so many Christian denominations add good works  to salvation by grace, even though that’s not what the Bible teaches?  

Most pastors, teachers and TV preachers are taught denominational doctrines and traditional Christianity even though Jesus told the religious leaders of His day that they make "the word of God of no effect through your tradition" (Mark 7:13).

Jesus also said, "you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition." (Mar 7:9)

Does that sound like Jesus honored their religious tradition?  No, Jesus abhorred their tradition as it nullified the word of God.

The same thing happens today in churches across America. We have replaced Biblical truth with bogus church tradition and denominational dogma.  Hence, the word of God has little to no effect. 

Greetings, I'm Dr. Paul Felter.  Welcome to Primal Bible where we expose church fallacies and flawed Christian traditions with Bible truth. We let the Bible speak for itself.  If you appreciate the video podcasts, please consider subscribing.  Also, please visit my website for additional resources including my free pdf chart of your Bible rightly divided.

In this video podcast I’ll continue our study with Romans chapter 4 where the apostle Paul explains the divergence between works and grace using Abraham and David as examples.