Have you ever noticed that many pastors, teachers and TV preachers add conditions to salvation by grace even though the Bible states salvation is by grace through faith alone?

Some say that you must stop sinning before you can be saved.  Others say that you must do good works to maintain your salvation, or be baptized, or speak in tongues to prove you are saved. 

Greetings, I'm Dr. Paul Felter.  Welcome to Primal Bible where we expose church fallacies and flawed Christian traditions with Bible truth. We let the Bible speak for itself.  If you appreciate the video podcasts, please consider subscribing.  Also, please visit my website Breadoflife.media for additional resources including my free pdf chart of your Bible rightly divided.

Here in Romans chapter 5 the apostle Paul continues the doctrine of justification by faith alone.  Paul opens verse 1 with the word “therefore” referencing passages from chapter 4 about the justification of Abraham by faith alone.
