On today's episode Alan has a great conversation speaker, author, and entrepreneur, Lathan Craft about his story, and passion to help people find meaning in the messiest seasons of life.


About Lathan

At Lathan Craft, we know that you want to live a life of meaning. In order to do that, you need a way to help navigate the mess that life can throw your way. The problem is sometimes it’s too hard to pick your head up enough to breathe, let alone see a way forward. All in all, it’s far too easy to feel trapped and insignificant.

I believe you should have a chance to find deep and fruitful meaning in your life. I get it, I’ve lived a life of mess and confusion before. I knew a change had to happen which is why for the last # of years I’ve built pathways for others to find their own sense of meaning.

Connect with Lathan


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