This is a crucial episode that we wanted to share with you again. Understanding what drives and drains you is so crucial if you want to lead from a posture of health.

In this episode Alan talks to another leadership coach and consultant about why knowing what drives and drains you is crucial if you want to become a leaders worth following.

About Chris

Chris Coultas serves as Vice President, Product Innovation, at Leadership Worth Following, LLC. In this capacity, Chris focuses heavily on data management and infrastructure, process improvement, predictive talent analytics, new product development, and cutting-edge research in the fields of leadership, assessment, development, coaching, and talent management. Much of his research focuses on the intersection of values, cognition, teamwork, and leadership. Most recently, he has led a firm-wide initiative to develop a proprietary tool for assessing drivers, motives, and values in leadership. Since joining LWF, Chris has built an expanding team of researchers and analysts and has overseen key hires in these areas. Additionally, he is responsible for developing and leveraging our Science Advisory Board for key insights, wisdom, and guidance.

In his role as a consultant, Chris conducts remote and in-person leadership assessments at a variety of organizational levels, ranging from manager to executive, in a variety of industries (e.g., Manufacturing, Retail, Financial Services). He leverages tools such as 360-degree feedback, client interviews, assessment centers, and psychometrics to provide data-driven insights into leaders’ strengths, opportunities, motivators, and blind spots. Additionally, Chris has designed and delivered several workshops that incorporate recent research into the role that leadership values have on outcomes such as personal brand, engagement, customer service, collaboration, and organizational culture.

Connect with Chris

Driven Not Drained


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