On Todays episode, Alan talks with leadership and branding coach Cassa Grant about living in Antarctica, how we're all insecure and how we can battle to gain confidence in life and leadership

About Cassa

I grew up on a ranch in Montana, became a teacher, a university lecturer, and worked in Antarctica supporting scientific research on and off for five years. 

Oh, and I also lived in Prague and drove an adventure travel bus around the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. Now I spend quite a bit of time in New Zealand.

Along the way, I’ve heard some amazing stories (and made a few of my own).

The nerdburger part of my story:

My master’s thesis explored the use of green branding in the redevelopment of post-industrial spaces.

Which basically means I delved into the psychology behind what makes people want to live in condos that are built on old toxic dumps.

How did the redevelopment companies do it? Branding. Storytelling.  

But I want to use branding and storytelling to do good things.

And I want to help you do that, too.

Connect with Cassa

Website: https://www.cassagrant.com

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