Looming deadlines. Meetings. Zoom. Projects. Conflict. All of those things make us feel stress from time to time and when we're stressed it's harder to stay focused and accomplish more.

On today's episode, Mark Batterson joins us on the podcast for a great talk about how to stress less and accomplish more.

Maybe you're feeling the weight of the day on your shoulders this morning. If so, we want to encourage you to take 30 minutes and sit with this talk. You won't regret it. Be sure to check out Marks book Win the Day: Seven Daily Habits to Help You Stress Less and Accomplish More

About Mark

Mark Batterson is the lead pastor of National Community Church in Washington, DC. One church in seven locations, NCC owns and operates Ebenezers Coffeehouse, The Miracle Theatre, and the DC Dream Center. Mark is the New York Times best-selling author of 17 books, including Whisper, God Speaks in Whispers (co-written with his daughter Summer), Double Blessing and Win the Day: Seven Daily Habits to Help You Stress Less and Accomplish More (Multnomah, 12/29/20). Mark and his wife, Lora, live on Capitol Hill with their children. Visit markbatterson.com for more information.

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